Earthing: Incredible Benefits of Grounding

Earthing or grounding is the process of physically connecting to the Earth to benefit from its natural electrical energy. This connection is usually established by walking barefoot outside and touching natural surfaces like soil, sand, or water.

The concept behind this practice is based on the belief that the Earth's surface carries a negative charge, which can balance the positive charge believed to be accumulated in the human body due to modern lifestyles and technologies.

Advocates of earthing believe that it could be one of the most significant health discoveries of our time. They suggest that this practice can help neutralize reactive oxygen species (free radicals), reduce inflammation, and enhance overall well-being. The theory is that when the human body comes in direct contact with the Earth, it can transfer free electrons from the ground into the body, which can bring about physiological changes and offer potential health benefits. Grounding the human body has been a part of ancient traditions, but it has gained contemporary interest as a natural way to reconnect with the environment, reduce stress, and improve physical health.

Earthing Techniques

Different earthing techniques can help you connect with the Earth. These techniques may involve direct or indirect contact with the Earth. Experts usually suggest earthing for at least 10-20 minutes per day, and longer if possible.

Grounding exercises involve making contact with the Earth using your bare feet, body, or hands. Examples include walking, standing, or lying barefoot on the ground, pressing your hands into the grass or dirt, or spending time in natural bodies of water. These traditional methods allow you to connect with nature and experience its benefits.

Many people lack access to nature or can't be outside for long periods. Grounding tools offer electrical conduction similar to natural earthing. Earthing equipment includes tools such as:

  • Mats
  • Sheets
  • Footwear
  • Adhesive patches
  • Wrist or ankle bands

In many setups, these tools are connected to the ground using a cord that is attached to a metal rod that is pressed directly into the Earth. If the tool does not use a ground rod, it is often connected to a grounded electrical wall outlet instead.

Potential Benefits of Earthing

Several studies have explored the potential impacts of earthing on inflammation, the immune system, and mental and physical health, but research is limited.

Reduced Inflammation

Multiple small studies have indicated that grounding has the potential to reduce inflammation in the body. These studies utilized different methods, such as infrared images, blood chemistry measurements, and white blood cell counts, but all of them demonstrated that earthing can help alleviate the severity of inflammation in participants.

Chronic inflammation is a significant factor in the development of various diseases, including heart disease, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and autoimmune diseases. Consequently, many supporters of earthing believe it could be beneficial for a wide range of physical and mental conditions.

Improved Sleep

Grounding has been found to have potential benefits such as reducing fatigue and tiredness, and improving sleep quality. In a study conducted over 8 weeks, participants were made to sleep grounded using special equipment. The study found that their cortisol profiles were regulated, most of them reported improved sleep, reduced stress, and pain.

Improved Heart Health

Earthing can reduce blood pressure, result in less red blood cell clumping, and improve blood flow. One study also showed that a two-hour grounding session improved participants' HRV levels.

Autonomic Nervous System Regulation

According to a study, grounding has been shown to activate the parasympathetic nervous system while deactivating the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the "fight or flight" response, which prepares the body for intense physical activity. Conversely, when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, the heart and breathing rates slow down, blood pressure decreases, and digestion improves.


Although scientific research on earthing is still ongoing, many individuals have reported feeling more calm, grounded, and physically balanced after incorporating this practice into their daily routine. Early evidence also demonstrates improved health benefits. Earthing is a simple yet important health discovery that may provide a way to disconnect from the artificial world and connect with the natural one. Whether it is taking a walk on the beach, gardening without gloves, or simply standing barefoot on grass, these simple practices can enhance your overall health and well-being. If you need additional support, you may consider reaching out to a therapist for help.