Everything You Need to Know About Midlife Crisis

Midlife occurs between the age of 40 and 60. One common belief about this phase is that you must face inner turmoil about your identity, life choices, and morality – a midlife crisis.

Psychoanalyst Elliot Jacques invented the term midlife crisis in the 1960s. Elliot noted that patients in their mid to late 30s appeared to go through a depressive period and lifestyle changes when they confronted the idea of morality. Nowadays, midlife crises are associated with stereotypes of middle-aged men buying expensive cars or ending marriages to recover a sense of youth.

Some researches show a decline in life satisfaction and happiness as people reach midlife. But it's crucial, considering that a drop in happiness isn't always huge. In some studies, people's satisfaction with life appears to increase as they step into midlife and then decline as they step into their late years. For many people, crisis isn't an appropriate term to define their midlife experiences.

While the idea of the midlife crisis being an inevitable reality doesn't have much weight, many of us experience new stress as a step in these years. You may start to regret your career choice and feel stuck by your financial decisions, worry about a disability, or be upset about the goals you couldn't meet. Some people also notice a rise in responsibilities when they reach middle age. They might start caring for aging parents or accept that their children are becoming independent.

Based on your circumstances and view, it can be a confusing and stressful time. But midlife can also be a perfect time to grow, be stable, and enjoy. Learning the signs of a midlife crises can help you figure out different ways to handle common stressors and move ahead and thrive.

Signs of Midlife Crisis

The severity of midlife crisis symptoms can differ from one to another. Gender plays an imperative role in how a midlife crisis unfolds. Women may be more likely to face self-reflection as they shift to tending to their needs. On the other hand, men might be more likely to feel as if their past decisions have limited their future selections.

Signs of a midlife crisis include:

Extreme Sadness

Perhaps you ponder over perceived missed goals in employment or relationship. It leads to extreme sadness with the present and a tendency to manage the good aspects of your life.


Feeling like your past decisions have limited your potential can cause anger. You might grow annoyed with your partner, parents, and friends for minor interactions.

Restlessness and Daydreaming

You might feel exhausted with your routine, i.e., work schedule or other opportunities. You may start daydreaming about imagining life if you had selected a different career path or married a different partner.


Rather than concentrating on the positives of the present, you start idealizing your past lifestyle. Maybe you recall how athletic you used to be or how expensive your stuff was in college.

Impulsive and Indulgent Behavior

You might make expensive purchases or increase alcohol and drug use to cope with discontentment. Some people start indulging more in food or overeating. However, none of these behaviors satisfy you completely, but they can have health consequences.

Change in Sexual Desires

Some people face increased sexual desires, while others lack interest. You might have thoughts of infidelity or have doubts about your relationship.

Change in Ambitions

You might suddenly feel encouraged to improve your life, such as shifting to a new location, buying a home, or securing a higher position at the workplace. On the other side, you might feel less motivated to meet your goals as you question your life's purpose.

Causes of Midlife Crisis

Negativity in society and social media about aging might make you feel low self-esteemed in your midlife. There are a few common causes of midlife crisis that might be shaped by cultural views.

Physical Changes

You might be more prone to illnesses with conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. These physical changes make you feel more vulnerable to worry about the future. Women may experience menopause, and men may experience a decrease in testosterone levels. These changes cause low sex drive, depression, stress, mood swings, and trouble sleeping.

Change in Family Dynamics

Many parents may feel empty nest syndrome, a feeling of grief linked with children when they move out of the house. Loneliness and emptiness are the common symptoms of empty nest syndrome. In other situation, when you start caring for your parents as they took in your childhood, it can make them feel dependent. The feeling of dependency leads them toward low self-esteem.

Career Changes

According to the survey, people change their careers at 39. Many people try to manage new work responsibilities when they step into midlife. The way modern trends are emerging in the workplace causes a lack of fulfillment and a feeling of falling behind.

Tips to Cope with Midlife Crisis

Acceptance the Change

Change is an inevitable process. Not everyone accepts change easily. It is best to accept the change, as you can't control situations beyond your control. The change brings overwhelming feelings. It is wise to accept and acknowledge your feelings in a specific situation. Take time to write down and track the significant challenges and break them down into small steps. Don't hesitate to seek help when required.

Maintain a Sense of Purpose

Don't stick to your past. Engage yourself in new experiences. It is refreshing to revisit your old interests, but staying in the present is wise. Embrace community activities as they increase dopamine which leads you toward happiness and satisfaction.

Prioritize Self-Care

When you enter midlife, make a habit of regular exercise to stay active and healthy. It's also essential to replace your bad eating habits with mindful eating. Try to get enough sleep by keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.

Change Your Perception of Midlife and Aging

Make a list of things you're grateful for. Tell people around you how grateful you're for their support, love, and care. Look into previous accomplishments for what you've achieved. Your today's life reflects your wise decisions and bravery.